The Nickelodeon’s movie “Spectacular!” Is an original new teenage musical. The stars of the movie are Smallville’s Nolan Gerard Funk as Nikko, who wants to be a rock star whose personal ambitions gets him kicked out of his homegrown rock band.
In the film, Greg Germann played “Ally McBeal” has the supporting role as the school’s disaffected music teacher and Nolan Gerard Funk stars as Nikko.
This is Nickelodeon’s new musical film “Spectacular!“ which premieres tonight at 8p.m. "Spectacular!" is Nickelodeon's answer to the Disney franchise. But the success of "HSM," "Camp Rock" and, to a certain extent, "Hannah Montana," the Jonas Brothers and even Nick's own "The Naked Brothers Band" simply marks a return of the old-fashioned, small-town musical that once ruled the big screen. You know, the ones in which a girl and a guy saved something or other by puttin' on a show.
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